It All Started...

the day the wall came down! In 2019 Mrs. Sims and Mrs. Page decided they would like to teach together; combining two small kindergarten rooms into one larger, more exciting room for all incoming Kindergarten students. Ever since all of Kindergarten is taught together in one space. When your child enters Kindergarten they have the benefit of having two teachers and a full-time para-educator to help them learn, grow, play, and explore what it means to be at school. Children learn best when they can hear, see, touch, move, and explore their world without fear and the kindergarten team works hard to create a safe and welcoming learning environment for each and every child.

Every Kid Has Gifts

Every Kid Has Challenges

In this community,

It's my job to keep you SAFE

So you can LEARN

Different Kids

Need Different

Kinds of Help

You get what you NEED

Not what you WANT

Fair isn't everybody getting the same thing; fair is everyone getting what they need to be successful